
7 Amazing Health Benefits of Hibiscus

The beautiful hibiscus flower may remind you of a Hawaiian vacation. But did you know that hibiscus, which is the state flower of Hawaii, is not just meant to be worn as an ornament behind your ear? This plant contains powerful antioxidants and beneficial compounds like anthocyanins, and flavonoids which offer many health benefits. Let’s take a look at the ways in which hibiscus can improve your health.

1. Lowers Blood Sugar

Hibiscus tea might be useful if you’re worried about your blood sugar levels. High blood sugar can impact the functioning of your nerves, eyes, and kidneys and increase your chances of getting heart disease too. But one animal study found that taking a hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa sinensis) flower extract orally for twenty one days reduced blood glucose levels by forty one to forty six percent.

2. Lowers Cholesterol

According to research, hibiscus can lower cholesterol levels. Artery clogging cholesterol can up your risk of heart disease but animal studies have shown that hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa sinensis) flower extracts taken orally might be able to lower total cholesterol levels by as much as twenty two percent. Moreover, it also increases levels of HDL cholesterol (which is good for you). It is thought that saponins (which are chemical compounds found in plants) present in hibiscus bind to cholesterol and prevent its absorption in the body.

3. Lowers Blood Pressure

Did you know that drinking hibiscus tea can help control your blood pressure? One study found that having sour tea (made from a species of hibiscus known as Hibiscus sabdariffa) for twelve days lowered systolic (pressure exerted when your heart is beating) blood pressure by 11.2% and diastolic (pressure exerted while your heart is resting between beats) pressure by 10.7% in people with moderate hypertension. Saponins present in hibiscus are considered to be responsible for this beneficial effect.

4. Improves Hair Growth

Traditionally, the crushed leaves of hibiscus have been used as a soapy paste to clean hair. It is thought to strengthen hair and promote healthy hair growth. Now, scientific studies have also found that hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa sinensis) leaf extracts can promote hair growth. So if you’re looking for thick beautiful tresses try shampooing with hibiscus leaves.

5. Heals Wounds

A cup of hibiscus tea just might be able to help heal any wounds or nicks that you have. A hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa sinensis) flower extract, when taken orally, was found to quicken wound healing, and lead to faster skin growth in rats when compared to controls who were not given the hibiscus extract.

6. Can Protect Against Skin Cancer

Exposure to the harmful UV rays of the sun and certain harmful chemicals (for instance, benzoyl peroxide) are known to promote skin cancer. But hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa sinensis) might have a protective effect. According to a study, the topical application of hibiscus extract before exposure to UV rays and the toxic chemical benzoyl peroxide was able to partly restore levels of protective enzymes which prevent cellular damage.

7. Boosts The Immune System

Your immune system is your body’s defense against all sorts of diseases. And according to research, extracts of hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa sinensis) flowers may be able to stimulate cells (known as T and B cells) which fight infection. So to strengthen the natural defenses of your body try a cup of hibiscus tea.

The Indian science of Ayurveda has long valued hibiscus for its many medicinal properties: In the ancient text Bhaavaprakaasha, hibiscus flowers are pounded with sour gruel and taken as a contraceptive. A little jaggery is also supposed to be consumed after taking this medicinal gruel. Ayurveda recommends the application of a paste of hibiscus flowers and Aamalaka (Emblica officinale) to prevent the premature graying of hair. Hibiscus buds pounded with milk are also considered to be beneficial for those suffering from gynaecological disorders. Hibiscus tea is recommended as a cooling drink during hot summer days and is also used to treat fever. Though hibiscus has many properties that can improve your health do keep in mind that taking hibiscus orally is not a good idea if you’re pregnant or breastfeeding. Also, since it can lower blood pressure and blood sugar avoid it if you have low blood pressure or are on medication to control your blood sugar.

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