Organic Aloe Vera Leaf Powder adds moisture and conditions the hair, nourishes new growth, soothes and heals an irritated scalp, helps stimulate growth, and balances the scalp's pH. It cleanses the skin deeply and fades out scars and blemishes and brightens the dark complexion of the skin. The powder also removes stubborn marks on your skin and dark spots.
- Made of fresh crops to ensure the best of results.
Calms unhealthy scalp with the richness of aloe Vera. - Is highly favorable for skin glow.
- Adds volume to hair and enriches its texture.
- Hydrates the scalp with adequate water minerals and nutrition.
- Smooth Skin texture due to its anti-aging and wrinkle-prevention features.
- Done wonders for hair as well as skin concerns.
100% pure, triple-sifted powder.
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